Northamptonshire Badger Group is actively involved in all aspects of badger welfare across Northamptonshire.
A Northamptonshire Badger Group has exisited for over 50 years. Originally covering the whole of the county, it split into two groups in the 1980s, becoming North Northants Badger Group and Brockwatch. In 2012, Brockwatch, who covered the Southern half of the county ceased to operate.
In 2018 we officially expanded to cover the whole county again, becoming Northamptonshire Badger Group, to fulfil the need for a countywide group to best protect Badgers.
Collect and record data on badgers, their activity and setts to hold an accurate picture of badgers in the County.
Supply information and work with responsible authorities, planners, developers and highways to help protect badgers and their habitat from the effects of development.
Encourage the use of roadside warnings and road tunnels where badgers are most at risk.
Assist Wildlife Crime Police Officers and the RSPCA where harm to badgers is suspected.
We rescue and rehabilitate injured or orphaned badgers, returning them to the wild.
Work closely with other wildlife groups to best protect badgers and be their advocates.
Respond to members of the public when they have queries about badgers or badgers on their properties.
Provide information about badgers, their way of life, and the threats they face by giving talks and attending events.
Offer to our members the opportunity to learn the skills needed to help badgers.