We carry extensive records of badger activity, setts and Rta's in our databases for Northamptonshire, which we have been keeping since 1989. The database is maintained and overseen by our recorder Peter.

Badger activity and Sett location information is an essential and valuable asset in helping us to protect badgers in the County.
Ecological consultants and developers can contact us for assistance when they are preparing their surveys. In addition the data we hold is important when liaising with planning authorities about proposed new developments.
We are happy to share these records with consultants as is in the interests of badgers welfare to be included within the framework of any new developments/reconstruction projects. In the past we have supplied data for development projects including the building of the A14, the Desborough bypass and the new Mawsley village amongst others.
We do have a sliding scale of charges based on grid squares searched, starting with a minimum fee for 9 grid squares searched and additional squares can be added at the pro-rata rate. We are happy to give quotes before carrying out any searches.
The charges are based on squares searched and not results found, as obviously our knowledge of current sett status can only depend on the last update of our records, which varies throughout our area.
Search results will be sent by email together with our invoice usually within 14 days.
All funds raised help us to protect and rescue badgers in Northamptonshire.