We have a variety of roles for members to be more active in the group and maximise our help for Northamptonshire's Badgers.
We are also seeking volunteers to help us promote the group including distributing posters and leaflets in Northamptonshire, helping at events, fundraising and much more.
Fundraising is essential to all that we do. We give our time for free, but need funds for our work to help badgers in Northamptonshire. Can you help fundraise for us?
We need to fundraise to pay for specialist equipment including:
Rescue Cages, Graspers and Nets and fuel for vehicles.
Vet fees for injured badgers.
Camera equipment to monitor setts and assist the police.
Website fees & Printing of informational leaflets.
Role only open to group members
The committee consists of a variety of people from different backgrounds, with various skills & experience. It helps shape the group in helping badgers across Northants and further afield.
Attend monthly meetings (as much as possible).
Have an active role within the group and the work it does.
Support other group members.
Willingness to learn about badgers and keep this knowledge updated.
We need people to help raise awareness of the group in Northamptonshire. It is vital that everyone knows what we do and how we can help badgers & residents. Could you help spread the word?

Distribute our leaflets and posters.
Promote us and our work on social media.
Promote us and our work in your local community.
Encourage people to report badger sightings, road deaths & setts to us.
Role only open to group members
Rescuers deal with calls from the public about injured badgers and mobilise with specialist equipment to rescue them.

Have your mobile number publicised as a badger rescuer.
Be on call and quickly mobilise to rescue the badger ASAP.
Be calm, considerate and decisive.
Assess the situation and decide on the appropriate plan of action.
Be confident to deal with members of the public, the badger, vets and rehabilitation centre.
Liaise with the group sett recorder, as necessary, to locate setts.
Be prepared to help locate a sett, should a badger need to be released at a later date.
Specialist equipment and training is provided.
Sett surveying is essential for our work. Do you like walking and getting out into the countryside? Sett surveyors can look after a specific area or multiple areas and check and report their findings. Full training given.
Have your mobile number publicised as a badger rescuer.
Be on call and quickly mobilise to rescue the badger ASAP.
Be calm, considerate and decisive.
Assess the situation and decide on the appropriate plan of action.
Be confident to deal with members of the public, the badger, vets and rehabilitation centre.
Liaise with the group sett recorder, as necessary, to locate setts.
Be prepared to help locate a sett, should a badger need to be released at a later date.
Specialist equipment and training is provided.
Calling all artists, crafters, makers...
We rely on generous donations of beautiful handmade and crafted badger, or wildlife related, items to sell online and at events to raise vital funds
for the group.
Could you make us some items to sell? Jewellery, Art, Ceramics, Gifts, Crochet, Knitting, etc...
Donate a picture or image we can get put onto cards?
Donate a portion of your sales of an item to us?
We attend events , have an Etsy shop, & thriving social media following.
Role only open to group members
Facebook is the platform that we receive the most interaction & messages through. We need more admins to help us respond to these queries quickly and with the right advice and information.
You should:
Have a good knowledge of badgers or be willing to learn from other.
members and read appropriate literature to educate yourself.
Be a current Facebook user, have a basic understanding of how it works.
Be able to keep a regular check on messages that come through, or be part of a rota system with other admins.
Respond to messages in a timely and professional manner.
Liaise with committee members, if necessary, for advice or if additional investigation /research is required.
Share current and relevant posts from other organisations.
Full support & training given.
We comment on planning applications where development might affect badgers. We have two committee members doing this currently and need
more. You would take on a specific planning area.
Be prepared to do reading and learn about the planning process, badgers and their protection.
Check weekly planning applications via the online planning portal for the area you are looking after.
Respond to applications when the group is a consultee.
Liaise with local planning authority.
Comment, as appropriate, using official guidance.
Liaise with our sett recorder for badge activity information.
Liaise with Planning committee members as necessary.
Arrange to do a Site visit, if necessary.
Arrange sett surveying, liaising with other group members for help and support, if necessary.
Be professional, calm and courteous, as a representative of the group
Full support and training will be given.