If you find a severely wounded, badly injured, or obviously sick badger, please take extreme care and get expert help as soon as possible. A list of our trained rescuers can be found below.
Always remember, that frightened animals bite in self-defence, often with surprising speed and little or no warning and badgers have immensely powerful jaws, which can inflict deep wounds. Therefore please leave the badger alone and call us immediately for advice.

Trained wildlife rehabilitators, RSPCA inspectorate and experienced members of badger groups have the skill and know how to approach, handle and make badgers safe in secure carrying cages. They have specialist equipment for rescues, so please wait until they arrive at the site.
If you have a sick or injured badger or have a badger in your garden in daylight hours, please call one of our experience rescue members for advice and support.
07734 672874 Sally Jones
07824 701799 Pat Thres
If you cannot get through to one rescuer, please try the others and leave a message. We are all volunteers and have different availability.
Alternatively please contact the RSPCA on Tel: 0300 1234 999
Badgers injured in fights sometimes retreat to places where they can rest and recover in peace. Barns, garden sheds, corners of gardens and spaces under patios are often chosen.
Left alone, badgers with ugly-looking bite wounds to their necks or rear quarters will often recover very quickly and wander off. Some are less fortunate, the wounds turn septic, and they, along with badgers seriously injured in traffic accidents needs skilled care from a vet, wildlife rescue centre, the local badger group or the RSPCA. Many are too seriously injured to be saved and they have to be put down to save them from further suffering; but there are an extraordinary number of badgers that survive, thanks to the expert care and skill they receive.