We review and comment on planning applications that affect badgers in Northamptonshire.
We try and ensure that the badgers interests and safety are fully protected as possible. It is considered best practice to involve the local badger group at the planning stage and we are open and keen to work with planners, developers and ecologists in deciding the best options.
Our core position is that main setts should be left in situ with secure, continuing access to foraging grounds. If that is not possible then appropriate mitigation measures must be taken. Any work in the vicinity of an occupied sett that might disturb badgers will require a licence from Natural England.
Northamptonshire is a fast growing County with large amounts of development currently happening, as well as much planned for the future within the strategic framework and neighbourhood plans. Many of the planned sites are green field and countryside location which have a high likelihood of badger setts and activity.

We try to work with planning authorities, developers and ecologists. Unfortunately not all planning authorities have the same procedures in letting us know and we rely on members of the public informing us of any planned developments that may affect badgers.
Planning applications can be viewed on the relevant planning authority's website. It is very worthwhile to keep track of any that affects your area and to take part in any consultation, as well as letting us know.
Please contact us as soon as you learn of an application that impacts a badger sett or affect their foraging (feeding) areas.
If you are interested in helping us with this aspect of our work please contact us.