All donations help us to protect badgers in Northamptonshire.
We rescue badgers, pay vet fees, take them for rehabilitation and return badgers back to the wild. We are involved in education and advocacy to promote the welfare and knowledge of badgers in the County. We actively comment on planning applications, help install roadside warning signs, artificial setts and badger tunnels associated with new roads and developments.
All funds raised help with fuel, specialist rescue equipment, vet and medication fees, rehabilitation, printing of educational materials and much more.
All members give their time freely and rely on generous donations to continue and expand the important work we do.
Bank Transfer
Co-operative Bank. Sort Code: 08-90-73. Account Number: 50304099. Ref: NBG DONATION
New GoFundMe Rescue Fundraiser
Please give cash to a member of the Northamptonshire Badger Group